You want to look your best while on vacation, so you probably pack accessories to go with your apparel — such as fine jewelry or watches — you might not get to wear daily. Showcasing your jewelry or leaving it unattended makes you vulnerable to theft, turning what was supposed to be a fun getaway into a long day of filing police reports and insurance claims.

If you plan on traveling in style this year, follow these tips to keep your jewelry safe.

Keep Your Jewelry Close

When traveling, avoid packing valuables in your checked luggage. Even if your suitcases and other bags have TSA-approved locks, it’s still possible for someone to gain unauthorized access to your luggage once it’s out of sight. Wear your jewelry instead so you know exactly where it is during every step of your journey.

If you don’t enjoy wearing jewelry while traveling, invest in a travel jewelry case — preferably with a lock — and keep it secure in your carry-on. Carry-on luggage should always remain with you and never leave your sight; consider storing it under the seat in front of you instead of the overhead bins, where other passengers can potentially access it.

Be Cautious on Social Media

Vacations can be the perfect fodder for captivating social media content, but don’t be too quick to press that share button. Geotagging your photos and video to include sensitive information, such as the name of your hotel or the restaurant you’re eating at — can make you vulnerable to cybercasing. Criminals cybercase by using publicly-shared social media information to locate people and plot crimes.

If there’s a special photo you want to share, consider waiting until you’re safely back home before posting it to social media.

Avoid Risky Rides

Ride-hailing services, taxis and hired cars are convenient ways to travel during your vacation, but trusting your safety to a stranger can be risky. It’s not uncommon for some drivers to act as an accomplice for thieves, tipping them off to expensive jewelry on a well-dressed passenger. Instead, ask your hotel to connect you with a trusted, professional driving service.

Additionally, be cautious when wearing expensive or eye-catching jewelry in taxis and crowded areas. Flaunting your jewelry is an easy way to attract unwanted attention. Instead, conceal it under your clothes or turn a ring around, so the stone faces the palm of your hand.

Never Leave Your Jewelry Unattended

Your hotel room or rental property might seem like a secure place to leave valuable items, but doing so can make you vulnerable to theft. Don’t risk someone gaining unauthorized access to your room and personal belongings. Instead, store your jewelry in a secure location — such as a hotel vault — or wear it whenever you leave your room.

This recommendation also holds true when it comes to washing your hands in a public restroom. Don’t leave valuable rings, bracelets or watches on the counter where they can be snatched while you’re distracted. Keep your rings secure in your pocket or purse so soapy water doesn’t send them down the drain.

There is, however, one major exception to this rule — don’t wear your jewelry while in the pool or at the beach. Pool water, sunscreen and sun tan lotion are full of chemicals that can easily damage your jewelry or cause your rings to slip off without your notice. Instead, keep them secure in your hotel’s vault or a similar location.

Double-Check Your Belongings

Before you head to the airport to catch a flight back home, take careful stock of your jewelry as you pack up your things. Are you missing any pieces? Is anything damaged? This final check could be your last opportunity to report stolen items to your hotel, rental property manager and local police.

Traveling is an exciting time full of new sights and cultures to experience. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your jewelry is safe and sound — leaving you with more time to enjoy your vacation to its fullest. For added protection, consider also scheduling your higher valued jewelry onto your insurance policy.